
How to Find Python Performance Problems

When a Python program is running too slowly, use a profiler to measure which parts of the code are hurting performance the most.

Measure Code Performance with cProfile

Start by writing a decorator which will add profiling metrics to the decorated function:

# Credit:
import cProfile  # Python's built-in profiling tool

def profile(output_file_path):
    def inner(func):
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            prof = cProfile.Profile()
            retval = prof.runcall(func, *args, **kwargs)
            return retval
        return wrapper
    return inner

Then apply that decorator to the function which is running slowly.

def my_slow_function():

Now, when you execute my_slow_function a performance profile will be saved to "path/to/output.profile".

Generate a Flame Graph of Profiling Metrics

Download the flameprof tool

wget -o

Create a flame graph.

python "path/to/output.profile" --width 1800 > "output.profile.svg"

Review the Flame Graph to Identify Performance Bottlenecks

Here’s a sample flame graph for a function which generates a list of 250 random integers, then sorts the list twice – first with bubble sort, then again with merge sort.

A flame graph showing that bubble sort takes longer to run than merge sort A flame graph showing that bubble sort is slower than merge sort. [Source Code]

The top half of the flame graph helps you find which line(s) of code in your function are the slowest. It roughly shows the function call stack over time. Longer bars indicate more time spent in the function call. Taller peaks indicate a deeper function call stack. A split peak indicates that the function called multiple other functions.

In the example above, you can clearly see that bubble_sort_iterative took longer than merge_sort. You can also see that merge_sort called other functions while bubble_sort_iterative did not.

The bottom half of the flame graph helps you find which functions contribute the most to the total runtime, even if they were invoked from different places. Longer bars indicate more time spent in the function call. Deeper valleys indicate that the function was called deeper in the call stack. A split valley indicates that the function was called from multiple places. In the example above, you can see that merge_sort was called from two places – sort_a_random_list and merge_sort itself – while merge was only ever called from merge_sort. You can also see that more time was spent executing code in merge than in merge_sort.

You can also see even more detailed information by hovering over any bar in the flame graph. For example, hovering over the blue bar for merge_sort shows the following tooltip:

/ 11.37% (305 1 0.0002682973988063135 0.0008462241322068796)

The first section shows where the function is located in your code /path:line-number:function_name. In this case, the merge_sort function was found on line 41 of a file called

The percent indicates what percent of the total profiled runtime was spent in that function. In this case, recursive calls to merge_sort accounted for 11.37% of the total recorded runtime.

The parentheses show (calls_total calls_primitive duration_excluding_subcalls duration_total). In this case, the merge_sort function was called 305 times, but only one of those calls was “primitive” (i.e. non-recursive). Excluding calls to sub-functions, merge_sort completed its work in 0.000268… seconds, compared to a total runtime of 0.000846… seconds when including calls to sub-functions (including recursive calls).


Now you have a new tool for tracking down performance issues in your Python applications!

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