
Search GitHub Issues by label prefix, suffix, and contains

On the new GitHub Project Boards, you can use wildcard characters to search issue labels.

label:"prefix*"  // i.e. Label starts with 
label:"*suffix"  // i.e. Label ends with
label:"*contains*" // i.e. Label contains

NOTE: As of the publication of this article, partial label filtering is only available in GitHub’s new project boards, not a repository’s Issues tab.


Searching GitHub Issues by Label Prefix

Filtering my Binary Clock issues by label:"h*" finds all the issues which have a label that starts with the letter h, in this case hacktoberfest and help wanted.

A GitHub project board filtered to show Issues with a label matching a specific prefix

Searching GitHub Issues by Label Suffix

Filtering my Binary Clock issues by label:"*ment" finds all the issues which have a label that ends with the letters ment, in this case document and enhancement.

A GitHub project board filtered to show Issues with a label matching a specific suffix

Searching GitHub Issues by Label Contains

Filtering my Binary Clock issues by label:"*first*" finds all the issues which have a label that contains the letters first, in this case good first issue and first timers only.

A GitHub project board filtered to show Issues with a label containing a specific term

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